Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our Chef

We had envisioned announcing Jake Smith's position as our executive chef as something noteworthy. And we believe that Jake's joining us is a coup-- it validates our efforts on a very real level. Jake's energy is unmatched, his ability to cook is met by few rivals, but beyond all that he is a chef. Jake is a leader in the kitchen, a role-model behind the line and just about anywhere in the house. When we first started discussing Jake in our kitchen we thought it a pipedream, I shared dinner with him over the summer at a friends home. We talked about The Black Birch before it had a name, Jake offered guidance, and talked about his own career in Boston. At the time, I didn't think there would be much to bring him back to the area. Thankfully, I was mistaken.

We knew we weren't offering a lot. A modest restaurant, at the time really just a demolished shell and a vision. At the same time, what we offered was also a great deal-- the ability to set a menu, to work in a small kitchen with a direct interaction with customers, and to be part of a small start-up that he could directly and immediately affect. We were offering a chance to work hand in hand with us to build a restaurant and a future. It sounds cliche, but there is a great deal of truth to it. We weren't looking for a chef to open our restaurant, we had found a chef with whom we wanted to partner. Jake brings an immeasurable energy, he is driven, is almost always in good spirits, is passionate about food and cooking it, and is contagious. His smile and exuberance spread through a room.

So the announcement of our chef didn't have much rollout or fanfare, but I am not sure that either of those things are what the Black Birch will be known for. The announcement of our chef was more about quiet jubilation, about personal and professional satisfaction, and about Gavin and I knowing that our food was something we were very much looking forward to.

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