Saturday, January 28, 2012

An emotional pizza

 A lot of you may not know Al Mead. In the time we have been working on The Black Birch, Al has proven himself time and again. Sure, it looks like he just woke up and rolled out of bed, if you know him well you know it isn't just a look-- he did just roll out of bed. Al is always a quiet, poignant voice at the end of a tumultuous evening. He is also the piercing scream that announces
Al Mead, NYE 2011

During the construction phase, Gavin and I would frequently miss meals. And I get cranky when I am hungry. And construction is a frustrating exercise for me. Anyway, you can see where I am headed. It was probably on one of those sorts of afternoons that Al introduced me to the emotional pizza.

Simply put, in Al's own terms, everybody feels better with a pizza in the room. I think he is right, I know I experience a sense of satisfaction, near bliss, upon the arrival of a pepperoni pie. Regardless, of my mood or my hunger level-- just knowing there is a pizza at arm's length has a calming effect.

To this day, we routinely reach out to Kittery Town Pizza (207) 439-1265  to ensure that there is an emotional pizza on hand in event of a crisis. To date, we've had no crisis, but at least 9 pies. Thanks Al.

I advise that you try an emotional pizza. Keep one at arm's reach in the office, the shop, or at home. Everything will be just a little bit better.


PS, there is a very real possibility that I have mis-attributed the emotional pizza. If I have, I apologize to anyone who feels the emotional pizza is their intellectual property. (There is also the distinct possibility that the emotional pizza was courtesy Jeremy LeClair)

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